FPSC Assistant Meteorologist Past Papers 2025

The Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC) has recently announced 11 vacant positions of Assistant Meteorologist (BPS-16) in the Pakistan Meteorological Department. For those preparing for the upcoming August 2021 Assistant Meteorologist test, it is crucial to be aware of the test pattern and syllabus. To aid in your preparation, solved multiple-choice questions (MCQs) from past papers of FPSC Assistant Meteorologist tests are available.

Pakistan Meteorological Department Test 2025

The syllabus for the FPSC Assistant Meteorologist post has now been announced. It includes the test pattern, sample MCQs, past papers questions with answers, and other relevant preparation material. The test will consist of MCQs and will carry a total of 100 marks. Aspiring candidates appearing for the Assistant Meteorologist test under the Basic Pay Scale (BPS) 16 will be assessed by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC). The test will cover various subjects such as English, meteorology, climatology, and more.

www.fpsc.gov.pk Meteorological Department Test 2025

www.fpsc.gov.pkFor the Assistant Professor (Urdu) (Male) (BS-18) post, we have uploaded the required documents and a list of shortlisted candidates. Solved past papers test questions with answers (MCQs) and preparation material are also available. Now, it is essential for applicants for the Assistant Meteorologist (BS-16) post to go through their required documents list. The 2021 FPSC Assistant Meteorologist Test is scheduled to commence from 8th September 2021.

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The Federal Public Service Commission will require 80 shortlisted candidates from various provinces of Pakistan to submit the necessary documents. Solved MCQs from past FPSC Assistant Meteorologist tests are provided for reference. Shortlisted candidates will proceed to the interview round after submitting the required documents mentioned. Applicants who have not yet submitted their documents must take note of this notice.

meteorology mcqs fpsc

FPSC Assistant Meteorologist (BS-16) test past papers include solved multiple-choice questions (MCQs) with answers. All participants will have a deadline of fifteen days to submit the required documents. The FPSC Assistant Meteorologist test will consist of 100 MCQs covering subjects such as English, meteorology, climatology, basics of Physics, basic maths, environmental studies, and basic geology.FPSC Assistant Meteorologist Test

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In preparation for the upcoming August 2021 FPSC Assistant Meteorologist test, sample questions are also provided. I advise candidates to review and find answers to these questions. It is important for applicants who have not yet submitted their documents to take immediate action and ensure timely submission.

Share meteorological assistant MCQ’s Paper NTS 27/12

With the availability of past papers, solved MCQs, and comprehensive preparation material, candidates can enhance their readiness for the FPSC Assistant Meteorologist test. I recommend allocating adequate time for studying each subject and practicing solving MCQs to improve performance and increase the chances of success.

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